Energy Vampires and How to Detect them!

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 252

How to identify an Energy Vampire

In this article we will talk about the ways to detect and how to identify an energy vampires through their actions. We will also go over people with dark energy, those who are energy-lacking by nature. Contact with these people, especially sexual intercourse can have rather harsh consequences for the physical body, energy and psychological state of a person + it can also lead to the causal capture of the Spirit (your higher-self).

The signs of people with dark energy – those who are extremely energy-lacking:

  • These people are body oriented. They mainly concentrate on satisfying the needs of their body and on the look for energy interactions that involve power. They don’t care much about higher senses or feelings.
  • They often aggressive in their nature, they usually have higher than average level of testosterone and have no sense of danger.
  • They have an extremely high sexual drive and numerous sexual contacts.
  • They usually exert pressure and provoke emotions.

Signs of Energy Vampires and first symptoms of an injury from an energy-lacking person.

The main way that energy vampires influence other people is through provoking positive or negative emotions, energy vampires try to get the pray to lose control and and stop being calm. A person in the uncontrolled state is vulnerable the most. The main types of reaction that can be provoked by the unwanted consumers of your energy are: anger, aggression, desire of revenge, fear, guilt and pity (compassion).

Common signs of energy loss can be the sudden fatigue, weakness all over the body, apathy, yawning, craving sleep, symptoms of depression and sometimes headache.

There are two key groups of energy vampires – lunar and solar vampires.

How to identify a Lunar Energy Vampire.

The signs of a lunar energy vampire are passiveness, gloomy look on life and resentment towards everyone. They lament, whine, complain and grumble over everything and try to evoke a feeling of pity (compassion) to their case. They constantly complain about their own problems, and as a rule, do not give any thought on how to solve their problems. Such energy vampires are satisfied with the role of a victim. They are not ready to change anything in their life and chronic lack of energy is the reason for their misfortune. There is no reason to even think about helping such people, they will always find a “swamp” that they like and they would drag you down with them.

It is ok to feel compassion only to fortune, success, positive mood, willingness to act and reach the results. Despondency is a great sin! There is no need to share the sins of someone else if you have nothing to do with them. Compassion or pity, is a weakness and a willing utilization of emotions and energy towards an eternal sufferer. To protect yourself from lunar energy vampires, you can turn on your logic, discretion, rationality and manifest firmness of your worldview.

How to detect solar energy vampire.

The signs of energy vampires that fall under the solar group are: egoism, desire for conflict, aggressiveness and obscenity. This group of energy vampires is usually quite active and solar vampires are often hyperactive people. Their goal is to make you lose your balance and consume as much energy as possible in an impulse from you when you have a negative reaction to their provocative behavior. They also strife to keep the victim in the destructive state of confusion, despair, aggression and so on.

As a rule, those who fall under category of solar energy vampires cannot live without fights, quarrels, scandals, provocative ruddiness, insults, humiliations and intimidation. They try to get the resonating energy from those who had reaction to their behavior and expressed aggression towards them. Any feedback will give a boost to the vampire and provoke undivided attention towards you as a possible future full-time victim. Each time these kind of vampires will try to make new attempts and try to get you off your balance and lose control. They are capable of spoiling the mood with only one phrase and usually go for something intimate, especially if you close with them for a long time. They are very impudent and try to cause indignation. Solar energy vampires can insult you and laugh to your face when they see your reaction to their insults. If you ignore them, they will try to do everything they can to force you have an aggressive reaction towards them. They are powered by inner anger, hatred and envy.

Long-term influence of an energy vampire can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, depression, psychosis, suicidal mood as well as problems with the physical body.

More on energy vampires in this video from one of the Lifexpert webinars available for FREE:
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