Polarity of Human Energy Centers

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 338

Human Chakras and Their Polarity

Human chakras have different type of manifested activity and polarity. This can be seen in different ways that chakras work in a male and a female bodies. The difference between sexes is not only in their body structure, but also in the their energy is distributed in the environment. In this article we will go over a very interesting topic => nature of a man and a woman. It turns out that polarity of human chakras according to male or female scenario defines the principle difference in the type of human activity, in the ways of their manifestation in society, in the value system, in the ways of having fun and in the ways how to improve the state of health.

To start the topic on human chakras we first have to talk about the concepts of Yin and Yan, which is female and male essence. Each chakra can have Yin or Yan polarity in a male or female body.

  • Horizontal orientation is defined by inertia, direction towards the target and implies energy interaction (you can say that it is the nature of magnetism). It secures stable state of human Aura in the environment. It is represented by the magnetic needle or compass needle.
  • Vertical (Yan) chakra orientation means that there is no inertia, it means that it is active in all directions and implies informational interaction (you can say that it is the nature of electricity). It is represented by a ring or a torus.
chakras polarity

We have to point out that we are looking at the primary nature of a human. Both sexes can manifest either orientation of the active chakras and both roles in the society. You should not forget about the Paretto principle, there is 80% of standard situations and 20% of unique cases. We are analyzing the standard situation and the way that men and women should manifest themselves according to their initial algorithm of life.

We also have to point out that the line of materialization and de-manifestation goes through the 3rd chakras of a male. It allows a male to sublimate a lot of energy in that chakra for bigger strength and ability to conduct mechanical work. While the line of a female materialization goes through the second chakra, which allows her to generate the energy that is needed to give birth to a new live. These facts also make a principle difference in the nature of a male and a female.

human chakras

If sex chakra of a woman is polarized according to the male scenario then she looses the ability to bare a child. There are also other types of problems that are related to different polarity of human chakras. Nevertheless the change in polarity for a short period of time is sometimes needed at the certain situations or types of activity. However, most of the time, women have to stay women and men have to stay men.

So, after all that was said above, it possible to make a conclusion that human chakra can be polarized according to male or female scenarios and we already discussed that this polarity is contrary by nature and goals. It is also important to point out that men have four inertia chakras (this means that those chakras are oriented towards specific goals), which makes a male more stable in the conditions of the surrounding world. Women are more oriented towards their feelings and they are capable of concentrating on multiple goals due to the all-around polarity of their energy centers.

We are so different, yet we are still together 🙂

Yin and Yan is the union that makes the fullness – it is the harmony of Nature!

For more information on human Chakras and Aura you can always visit:
