Geomagnetic Hartmann Grid

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 603

Hartmann Grid

Hartmann Grid

Geo-magentic Hartmann grid is geo-biological network of coordinates that exists around our planet Earth from the south to the north and from the east to the west. In 1950 a German scientist Ernst Hartmann presented the theory of its existence. He conducted his research of the grid starting from 1940. Junctions of this grid create unfavorable conditions for living systems according to his theory. There are also so-called Hartmann lines with the distance between them around 2.5 meters. Thus our surrounding space is marked by squares with dimensions 2.5 x 2.5 meters. Depending on the environment the size of the squares can change. There are also other things that have effect on the squares. These things are metal structures, relief of environment, water bodies, natural resources or other resources or bodies that lie below or above the surface.

Planet Earth has two systems that are used by people for orientation and these systems have different frequency. Physical body of a person interacts with the Hartmann grid and spiritual essence interacts with Curry Grid (“electric grid”).

The points of line intersection form junctions. At the diagonal lines of the squares there are twin junctions of energy streams and these streams are either flowing upward from Earth to Space or the other way around. These junctions alternate depending on the directions of the stream.

Hartmann grid is the magnetic field lines system of our planet. They can be detected by bio-locator methods, pendulums and dowsing rods. This phenomenon is also the basis of how animals orient themselves in the environment.

How animal world interacts with Hartmann grid.


Bees, ants and migrating animals use Hartmann grid. Animal world can feel Hartmann grid quite well. People have maps that are divided into squares and they use longitude and latitude on the global scale for navigation. Nature’s analogy is the Hartmann grid. Animals asses the number of squares to orient themselves in the environment. Because of this fact, animals know their way back during migration. The final destination has its coordinates in regards to the point of where the journey begins.

Animal body is usually in the horizontal state and it constantly interacts with the magnetic field of our planet Earth. Because of this, animals have more plasticity, flexibility and energy potential.

Effect of Hartmann grid on a human.

The energy streams go through legs and feet and enrich first energy center (Earth chakras) of a person. This process defines energy flow in the lymphatic system of a person.

When a person is sleeping, his body is usually in the horizontal state. When a human body is sleeping it is breathing, resting and enriches itself with the magnetic energy of the Planet Earth. It interacts with the Hartmann grid when the body of dreams leaves the human body. Energy of the earth airs around chakras and fills them with energy. That is why it is very important where and in what position you are sleeping. It is not recommended to stay on the lines and junctions of a Hartmann grid for a long time. Thus, you have to take Hartmann grid into account when you are deciding on the place where to put your furniture in the apartment or when you are building a house. When the stream is upward, then the human body is enriched with the magnetic energy of the Earth and its physiology can quickly recover. Respectively, in the energy stream that is flowing downward, the human body is vertical and it can receive more spiritual energy and sense the cosmic vibrations. It is very hard to feel the Hartmann grid, when you go 5 meters deep into the ground. This fact can explain strange feeling when people go underground to the tunnels, subway, scuba diving or flying on an airplane; the human body loses its connection with the magnetic field and orientation in the environment is distorted.
