Karmic debts and subconscious controlling stresses

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 377

How to pay back you Karmic Debts and eliminate subconsciously controlling stresses

In this article we will talk about a method that can help to uncover subconscious controlling stresses. We call this method – “Lifeline” diagnosis. The “Lifeline” shows all the stresses that were recorded in the memory body of a person, which is the Human Soul – the body of the fourth dimension. The stresses are revealed by tracking disturbances in the state of human aura at the given point of person’s life.

Lifeline graph

The diagnosis of the mental body (body of memory) is conducted by bio-operator who uses Infosomatic methods. As a result, it is possible to say if the person was able to fully recover from certain stresses or show that there are still stresses that have a programming effect on that person. Stresses from the past can have an effect on person’s psyche as well as on the state of person’s health. One has to eliminate harmful influence from the stresses by conducting karmic correction techniques and other harmonizing energy-informational techniques.

Karmic debt

A person who has a lot of active stresses from the past is leaking vast amount of his body’s energy from the present to the past to cover for energy-informational debts (karmic debts) of the past. If a person does not solve his or her problems, then the quantity of stresses begins to turn into quality (a law of Nature) where a person fully loses energy and ability to work in the present. When a person is unable to normally keep on living and the state of health is getting worst it make the person think more about life in the past and mistakes that were made. When the situation gets really bad, it forces a person to analyze the past and try to find the way resolve the situation through action. If a person is in energy excessive state and he or she gets into a certain situation where his ideology and worldview is shaken, if that person cannot detect the true cause and adequately react to the situation, then this person may feel stress and fear of unknown. This situation can lead to a person becoming an energy vampire. There is a possibility that the injuries might be so bad that as a result this person can lose a lot of life energy. This person will not have enough of own resources to sustain normal life activity. Energy shell loses its resources in the present and energy shell gets deformed. Energy potential of the energy shell in the present is no longer enough to cover the holes in the mental body that occurred in the past. Nature will be taking the debt payment until the problem in the past is resolved on the level of ideology. In that case, energy healing practices, medical drugs or any other type of injection into the energy shell or physical body will have no effect since they will be targeting the symptoms and to the real cause.

Karmic correction techniques have to be carried out. These techniques have to be carried out by the person with the help of a specialist, who can help to detect the causes. A stressful situation in the past is usually the cause of the energy leaking from the present. Only through karmic correction the one who is suffering can “pass the exam”. Any type of energy healing technique with an outside influence is considered to be incorrect by Nature. Thus Nature of events that cause the stress and sicknesses are far from being an accident. God doesn’t give you what you cannot handle. This can be s kick that will make you think about correct behavior in the surrounding world. Everything depends on the one who is suffering. There is a need to acquire correct worldview and learn how to use own brains correctly.

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