Sacral knowledge

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 371

Esoteric Wisdom

I was very interested in philosophy and esoteric knowledge from my childhood. In recent years, more and more people began to feel interest towards everything connected with spirituality and esoteric wisdom. People want to understand what it is and they believe that this knowledge can effect their worldview and life.

Esoterism from Greek means “inner”. The word “esoteric” means sacred and secretive; the one who knows the secrets of society and certain knowledge that is commonly unknown. Esoteric knowledge is about hidden meanings of different object in our world including the secret about what is human.

Esoterics knowledge is related to such fields as astrology, magic, numerology, chiromancy, yoga, qigong, feng-shui, reiki energy healing treatment, cosmic energy practices and other fields.

esoteic science

Esoteric wisdom historically meant getting to know the secret knowledge and practices, as well as inner understanding of philosophical, religious and other movements.

Everything esoteric is denied by official science, however this field raises more and more interest among people. It was thought that esoterism can be comprehended only by enlightened people or those who belong to a certain group of people and have extraordinary abilities. A lot of knowledge is open freely today. Because to that, a person can develop special abilities that he or she never thought of having.

Esoteric or spiritual science brings quintessence of wisdom that was accumulated by different nations and different generations. This wisdom is about unknown and sacral secrets that are hidden from most people. Esoteric science holds the knowledge about life, relationship with nature and laws of how to harmoniously fit into surrounding environment. It helps to acquire knowledge, accept oneself and get to know other objects that are around us. It also helps our personality on the way of evolution.

Esoteric science does not only helps to form the worldview through knowledge and practice, it also helps with forming the way of life, inner harmony with nature and surrounding world. This knowledge does not only offers vast opportunity to a person, it also gives this person great obligation and responsibility.

In its core, esoterism is the magic that helps to control events of surrounding world with the help of Spirit and guides that exist on the higher planes of matter existence.

The knowledge of techno-esoterics can only bring harmony, healing and evolution. It can only bring benefit, while black or white magic can bring harm to people and have destructive influence on the surrounding world. True esoteric knowledge was always a secret until lately. There were many reasons for esoteric knowledge to be a sacral secret in the past.

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