System of priorities

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 227

Principle necessities of a person

Psychologists have a system of priorities, which is a series of goals that help to realize personality of a person. After one studies this set of goals, it is easy to grasp the main reason of infertility among many couples, bad state of health, depression, low level of wealth and as a result insufficient funds to provide for your children.

In this article on principle necessities I will touch on the topics of survival, existence and living. I had to go through all three levels myself and I had to test many things on my self in real life. It is hard to think about starting a family and giving birth to a child, when there is no clear presence in the society and the final choice in regards to the long-term field of profitable business/activity was not yet made (even though some depend on their age for that decision, that is when people live according to stereotypes. Nonetheless, every rule has an exception. For example, in most cases, the first child is striving to first make business (or choose a field that will bring income for the rest of the life) and only then start a family. The second child is usually the other way around. He or she first wants to have a family and then have business Nevertheless, both psychology and BioEnergyInformatics gives valid evidence that one should follow his or her stages of evolution and accomplish the goals in a certain set order.

Lets cover the Principle necessities of a person and the system of priorities:

1. Food.

The principle necessity and the most important one. If you are not well fed and if you don’t have an opportunity to feed yourself due to financial conditions or impairment (or other reasons) then the other principle necessities become insignificant to you (except maybe for the second necessity, which is important for survival as well).

2. Security.

If you are not following the laws (including the law of Nature) then you have to run around in order to survive. You can see it in the animal world as the survival of the fittest and natural selection. One has to protect own rights and freedoms, fight for food and survival. Certain space can be acknowledged as the place of security. This is the place where you can exist in the isolated state from the society. It’s where you feel good – it’s your home.

3. Relaxation.

It is a very important aspect. If you don’t rest properly, then you spend more energy than you can regenerate. All the resources of your body are thrown into the activity or business that you are doing. This kind of behavior can lead to nervous break down and physical exhaustion in the end. When you are involved in the intensive work process then you should remember about quality relaxation and about the need to take care of your body in general. You can force your body to do something you want only till a certain point. Three necessities mentioned above represent the evolutionary stage of – existence.

4. Entertainment.

This aspect implies the formation of a correct emotional shell that is pro-nature. This is the process of receiving positive emotional from the activity, that you are involved in, purchasing things that you need or want, cultural activity, travelling, increasing your qualification in a certain field, acquiring new knowledge (food for thought) and so on. Emotional shell allows a person to be healthy, to have a lot of energy in order to realize your goals, to orient yourself on the road of life and to accomplish the mission of our own Spirit. These for necessitates define – Life.

5. Reproduction.

The last aspect of the principle necessities. If the first four necessities are not taken care off, then you can’t really think about the fifth one =) otherwise, as a consequence, you might get new team members on the ship that is not sailing so well =) Joking. New team members, however, can complicate realization of a person in society. Their existence will require a lot of time and one will have to make a choice or sacrifice something. At this point, we do assume that there is a certain stable financial income and there is no serious problems with health. The step number five is quite serious, delicate, requires a lot of responsibility and preparations. It is not that hard to give birth to a body (as the practice shows), however it is a totally different thing to bring up a real person.

These principles necessities can be related not only to a person but to any living object.
