Women, Chakras and relationships with Men

4 March 2021 г.Игорек Наумов 441

Chakras of a woman and psychology of relationships with men.

In a recent article we already talked about the fact that human chakras have dominating polarity. Chakras of a woman with inertia polarity (sexual, emotional and intellectual chakras) have one particularity, they have a need to track the male partner. So, how chakras of a woman synchronize when a man gets into a close zone with her?

Contact on the Intellectual Level.

It is not a coincidence when people say: women love with their ears. To get an interest of a woman, a man has to not only compliment her but also tell her about himself and about what he does in a positive way. This is the way the man synchronizes woman’s brain activity towards him. Good-natured and open person can gain woman’s favor on the intellectual level. A woman expresses interest towards a man’s personality when she thinks that he is smart and thus successful and respected in society. When a man intrigues a woman, he provokes her to be unsure about him. That’s when a woman has a lot of questions regarding the man and she starts to think more about him. Intellectual chakra of a woman starts having a stable orientation towards that man.

Contact on the emotional level.

If a man is also emotional, funny and entertaining, then he supplies her with positive emotions and doesn’t let her to be bored. We have to remember that emotions are very important for a woman. Interaction on the emotional level allows freedom, clears the air and makes conversation more playful. This is when emotional chakra (heart chakra) of a woman synchronizes towards the man. All three inertia chakras consequently turn towards him. Sexual chakra (second chakra) will orient itself automatically after the fourth and sixth chakras have orientation towards the man. This can lead to more intimate relationships.

Intimate relationships.

If partners can’t find a way to understand each other and cannot connect on the intellectual level, then their relationship might not become long-term. When there is no mutual contact on the ideological level, people start loosing their interest and have nothing to talk about. I think you know what will happen on the emotional level when there is no connection. No women would have sympathy for a guy who is a pessimist who whines all the time. Especially if he is also energy-lacking. So this is the sequence of how chakras of a woman can become oriented towards a partner for a long-term relationship. In the process of three months these kind of relationships can become intimate.

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